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Index zur Messung von Einschränkungen der Teilhabe
Short abstract
The IMET can be used in patients with different chronic diseases to assess their participation and involvement (in terms of ICF). It is based on a holistic thinking model, which is also the basis of the ICF. Nine areas of life are listed and each is specified by short explanations. Reliability: Cronbach's alpha was alpha = .90-.91. Validity: Exploratory factor analyses yield one- and two-factor solutions. The convergent validity is supported by moderate to high correlations of the IMET total value with several instruments on pain-related aspects, earning capacity and performance. The five indication groups considered (orthopaedic connection rehabilitation, orthopaedic treatment, psychosomatics, oncology, pneumology) showed comparably high correlations as in the overall sample. In a logistic regression analysis, in which age and gender as well as physical and psychological outcome measures were used as predictors in addition to IMET, IMET also had the highest predictive value for the risk of rehab patients leaving the profession in addition to age. For IMET's change sensitivity, the standardized pre-post differences in rehab patients who processed the index before and four months after rehabilitation are reported. Only minor to moderate effects were found. Orthopaedic patients reported a comparatively significant reduction of the restrictions, whereas pneumological patients showed only minimal changes.
Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID). (2019). Open Test Archive: IMET. Index zur Messung von Einschränkungen der Teilhabe. Available at: https://www.testarchiv.eu/en/test/9005870
Deck, R., Mittag, O., Hüppe, A., Muche-Borowski, C. & Raspe, H. (2011). IMET. Index zur Messung von Einschränkungen der Teilhabe [Verfahrensdokumentation und Fragebogen]. In Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID) (Hrsg.), Open Test Archive. Trier: ZPID.
Short information
Short Name IMET
English Name Index for the Assessment of Health Impairments
Authors Deck, R., Mittag, O., Hüppe, A., Muche-Borowski, C., Raspe, H.
Published in Test archive 2011
Copyright/Licence Copyright Autoren; CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0
Key words Rehabilitation, Health Impairments, Activities of Daily Living
Language versions deu
Construct Model of the ICF
Application age Adults
Item number 9 items
Subscales None; Global measure: Restrictions on participation.
Application Time ca. 3 min.
Interpretation time ca. 3 min.
Internal consistency: Cronbach's Alpha = .90-.91.
Findings on factorial, prognostic and convergent validity; change sensitivity.
N = 2 024 (2014)
Applications Clinical diagnostics, Research
There is no abstract in English available. Short information about the measure can be found under Overview. More can be found on the German pages.
There is no review in English available. Short information about the measure can be found under Overview. More can be found on the German pages.
First published in
Deck, R., Mittag, O., Hüppe, A., Muche-Borowski, C. & Raspe, H. (2007). Index zur Messung von Einschränkungen der Teilhabe (IMET) - Erste Ergebnisse eines ICF-orientierten Assessmentinstrumentes. Klinische Verhaltensmedizin und Rehabilitation, 20 (76), 113-120. PSYNDEX Dok.-Nr. 0199130
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Contact information
Prof. Dr. phil. Dipl.-Soz. Ruth Deck, Institut für Sozialmedizin und Epidemiologie (ISE), Leitung Fachbereich Rehabilitation, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Ratzeburger Allee 160, D-23538 Lübeck
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oskar Mittag, Dipl.-Psych., Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Sektion Versorgungsforschung und Rehabilitationsforschung, Hugstetter Straße 49, D-79106 Freiburg
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Heiner Raspe, Seniorprofessur für Bevölkerungsmedizin, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Beckergrube 43-47, D-23552 Lübeck