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Gülay Karadere (Dipl.-Psych.)
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+49 (0)651 201-4934
Trierer Inventar zur Lehrevaluation
Short abstract
The TRIL is a multi-dimensional instrument with 42 items that measure course qualities from a student perspective. The five respectively six scales are (1) Structuredness and didactic quality (k = 6), (2) Stimulation and motivation content (k = 5), (3) Interaction and communication climate (k = 4), (4) Personal gain (k = 4), (5) Application relevance (k = 4) and (6) Quality of student presentations (k = 4). A further three items cover the overall assessment. Reliability: The test scales show good to very good internal consistencies. Validity: To check construct validity, the results of an observational study were correlated with the TRIL values. High significant correlations are found for the interaction and communication scale (r = .50-.84) and for application reference (r = .58), while some negative correlations were also found (e.g. "Questions of understanding students" of the scale structure and didactics: r = -.79). A factor analysis resulted in a five-factor model with 48% explanation of variance. The TRIL was evaluated by the student subjects as useful and user-friendly.
Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID). (2019). Open Test Archive: TRIL. Trierer Inventar zur Lehrevaluation. Available at: https://www.testarchiv.eu/en/test/9004523
Arbeitskreis "Lehrevaluation" im Fach Psychologie (Gläßer, E., Gollwitzer, M., Kranz, D., Meiniger, C., Schlotz, W., Schnell, T. & Voß, A.) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Zentrum für Psychologische Diagnostik, Begutachtung und Evaluation (ZDiag). (2002). TRIL. Trierer Inventar zur Lehrevaluation [Verfahrensdokumentation, Fragebogen für je weibliche und männliche Dozierende]. In Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID) (Hrsg.), Open Test Archive. Trier: ZPID.
Short information
Short Name TRIL
English Name Trier Inventory of Teaching Quality
Authors Arbeitskreis "Lehrevaluation" im Fach Psychologie, Zentrum für Psychologische Diagnostik, Begutachtung und Evaluation (ZDiag), Gläßer, E., Gollwitzer, M., Kranz, D., Meiniger, C., Schlotz, W., Schnell, T., Voß, A.
Published in Test archive 2002
Copyright/Licence Copyright Autoren; CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0
Key words Graduate Psychology Education, Higher Education, Course Evaluation
Language versions deu
Construct Teaching evaluation
Application age Graduate Students
Item number 42 items
Subscales (1) Structuredness and didactic quality, (2) Stimulation and motivation content, (3) Interaction and communication climate, (4) Personal gain, (5) Application relevance, (6) Quality of student presentations
Application Time No information.
Interpretation time No information.
Internal consistency is indicated as good to very good.
Information on construct validity.
No information.
Applications Evaluation, Teaching
There is no abstract in English available. Short information about the measure can be found under Overview. More can be found on the German pages.
There is no review in English available. Short information about the measure can be found under Overview. More can be found on the German pages.
First published in
Arbeitskreis "Lehrevaluation" im Fach Psychologie (Gläßer, E., Gollwitzer, M., Kranz, D., Meiniger, C., Schlotz, W., Schnell, T. & Voß, A.) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Zentrum für Psychologische Diagnostik, Begutachtung und Evaluation (ZDiag). (2002). TRIL. Trierer Inventar zur Lehrevaluation. Trier: Universität Trier.
Feedback form
Feedback on the use of a procedure from the Open Test Archive of the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) to the test author(s)
Contact information
Prof. Dr. Mario Gollwitzer, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Fakultät für Psychologie und Pädagogik, Department Psychologie, Sozialpsychologie, Leopoldstraße 13, D-80802 München
Prof. Dr. Andreas Voß, Psychologische Methodenlehre, Psychologisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg, Hauptstrasse 47-51, D-69177 Heidelberg